Farm Bill!

So... the Farm Bill! Call your senator! You can read a bit about it here (and read a public health-oriented explanation here) and you can take easy email action here (though I personally added some extras about subsidies and corn) and somewhat less easy action here. The Farm Bill is a HUUUUUUGE bill chockfull of pork (for my grandmother, who hates pork, I include this link - just click on it, Farmor) that benefits agribusiness and subsidizes junkfood, while ignoring or giving short shrift to small family farms, sustainable farms, local food systems, farmers markets, farm-to-school programs, and foodshed-building efforts. It impacts all of us, and everybody should do something about it in the next week or two, as the Senate considers it. If you don't feel like contacting your senator or writing a letter to the editor, you should go to the farmers market nearest you, and buy something. I hear the tomatoes are lovely.


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