We are all one!
I've been reading the George Martin "Song of Ice and Fire" series, and totally enjoying it. It's trashy and substantial and great escapist reading. I was reading the most recently published book at a bus stop the other day, and this scruffy-looking guy rode up on a scruffy-looking bike, got off, asked me if the #4 had come recently, and then stood waiting for a while near me. He didn't look at all like me or anybody I regularly spend time with, and I would have said, if asked, that we had absolutely nothing in common except for the fact that we were waiting for the same bus. Then he said "Hey, is that the latest George Martin book?" and we had a nice chat about dragons and our anxiety that George Martin might die before telling us how it all works out.
Isn't public transit great? Aren't trashy, substantial fantasy series great?