The future

Skipper's teacher made a poster of the kids with signs identifying their career plans. (This is a ridiculously adorable and sometimes moving activity that I've seen lots of teachers doing lately.) I took a crummy camera photo of it while attending the Big Graduation Ceremony on Friday. See if you can find Skipper.

The key here is to look for the kid who is hiding. While also clowning around. (Pitstock's photo is directly underneath hers, by the way.)

And there she is. She explained to me later that she was specifically thinking about saying she would be a paleontologist, but decided to keep it open-ended.


tiffky doofky said…
I am sitting here at my desk with a ridiculously large smile on my face. I love everything about this! (Also, my husband's official job title is Scientist, so I have a particular affinity for that goal.)
Anonymous said…
love this girl! i believe she will do it, too!

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