
Last night, after a long, fruitless discussion about the issues with each of her underpants  (too tight/too loose/too lacy/too ribbony/too scratchy/etc.), Skipper said angrily "Mom, what is the purpose of you? I've never understood that." And then she stomped off to the bathroom and said to Duchess, who was showering, "Duchess, what's the purpose of Mom? All she does is hang around."


AZ said…
Seriously, stop hanging around all the time! Also, this may not be totally appropriate and all, but I feel like boxer briefs might be a good option for Skipper. I love them, but, you know, they might not make them in her size and then there is the whole "boy underwear" thing. Then again, she would probably think they were too long : )
tiffky doofky said…
Wow - that is some hard-hitting existentialism. Makes me want to go watch Sartre cat again!

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