Hello! We're alive. We had an extremely low-key Thanksgiving, observing our Important Family Traditions. Duchess was running a fever and feeling pretty listless, and the weather was crappy, reinforcing our vegetative tendencies. There was a lot of screen time. Today, though, Duchess was back on top of her health, and the weather turned cold and sunny, so in theory we SHOULD have gone on a family hike or something. However, all we managed was a hike to the grocery store.

And then I decided to take some photos, as we finally found the camera battery charger, and I was reminded that I had taken a photo of the girls with our street tree the day it was planted. (I had, of course, intended to take a yearly photo of the girls with the street tree. Perhaps it should be an-every-third-year tradition.)

And then I took some more photos. The usual things happened.

Oh! Looking at these reminds me of the most exciting development from these slow-paced four days at home, which is that Skipper has worn several pieces of clothing that she had previously refused (such as the underpants, pants, shirt, AND sweatshirt she is wearing in these photos). This has taken some bribery and quite a bit of patiently waiting out tantrums (a major advantage of slow-paced days), and I am very pleased. All of the clothes she has worn, except one pair of underpants, have been accepted into the rotation, which has now increased to a whopping FOUR pairs of pants, SEVEN shirts, EIGHT pairs of underpants, and THREE sweatshirts. I feel that we can now move on with our lives. (And I also resolved the bad-smelling clothes issue, which turned out to be, predictably, a manky washing machine issue, easily fixable with a round of very hot water and vinegar.)

Happy Thanksgiving! Also, Happy December!


AZ said…
Happiness all around! Love the pictures!
Duchess grew faster than that tree!!
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