My bubble and me

I just got a hand-me-down ipod. I love it. This is making me feel a little conflicted.

I have strong feelings about the way that social interaction has changed due to the flood of ipods and cellphones and other self-centered-type gadgets. It depresses me to see so many people walking around in a little environment of their own, talking to whomever they please, listening to whatever they please, ignoring the world around them (and often annoying and/or endangering the people around them). I don't think it's a good idea to do that much self-censorship; I think it's not only better for our brains and our emotional health to experience unfiltered life, but it's also our civic duty to pay attention to our environment. How can we keep eachother safe and supported if we never look at or listen to anybody other than our little inner circle?

I have a cellphone now. I don't use it much (those of you who have been foolish enough to try to communicate with me on it know that I haven't mastered it yet), but I do use it, more than I have to. The times when it really tempts me are when I'm waiting for the bus with nothing to do. Now that I also have an ipod,* the bus-waits are tempting for using that too. Last night, waiting for the bus at 9:30 in the pouring rain, I couldn't resist. Today, working in a crowded computer lab, I can't resist again. I think I just have to be firm about identifying times when it's okay to be in the bubble. These seem like okay situations,**as long as I keep my use moderate, but I draw the line at walking (or moving any faster than that) while listening.

I went to a city "Transportation Safety Summit" yesterday, which was totally fun, and one guy got up to demand that the city pressure the state to ban use of cellphones while driving. All the safety dorks cheered. (Safety dorks hate people who turn into a crosswalk while talking on their phones, not looking at the pedestrians legally crossing the street. WE HATE THEM!!!!)

Anyway. Yay for convenience and private enjoyment of music. Boo for not paying attention.

*This is extra-weird because it's loaded with somebody else's music, as we haven't gotten around to clearing off the stuff we don't like and adding stuff we do. So I'm in a bubble, but it's not really my bubble.
** I did get a little freaked out at the bus stop, and kept looking around to make sure I wasn't missing any weird urban disruptions that I should be monitoring, like crazy people, drunk people, scary people, skateboarders careening down the sidewalk, etc. - missing auditory cues seems potentially dangerous even when you're not in motion!


Anonymous said…
Let me be the first to warn you... f***ing Ipod IS a torturous device. I mean, unless you use a Mac, then you can bring the whole mess to an Apple Store and they'll help you. I have a lovely Ipod. And I got a new computer. Getting the songs from the old computer to the new computer, and getting the Ipod to work properly with the new computer was a freaking nightmare. I'm too impatient to do anything remotely technical...

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