Chippy's Revenge
Dutch and Skipper have been playing a game pretty often on these rainy days in which they make a corner of the living room into a restaurant. Dutch is an orphan girl who lives in and runs the restaurant with her pet chipmunk, Chippy (Skipper), and they wait patiently for customers when they're not repairing broken toys in their attic workshop or pretending to sleep. They both seem to have a great time, at least for a little while, and sometimes it goes on for a good half hour before deteriorating (though the deterioration usually happens very quickly, and often ends in violence before Cook or I can be bothered to intervene - Skipper's new favorite tactic is to seize Dutch's cheeks and squeeze really hard with her tiny talons*).
So if you're hungry for fake food cooked by a chipmunk in a garret, stop by!
*I kind of admire this, I have to say. As an older sister who tormented my little brother to violence many times, I am very sympathetic to Dutch's feelings, but because I know how she feels, I know exactly how pleased she is when she provokes Skipper into misbehaving (preferably with witnesses!), and I have to respect Skipper for standing up for herself the only way she really knows how.