
I've been puzzling* about the widespread resentment of public workers and unions. My theory is that it stems from the same feeling that I have when I talk to somebody who has a job - the feeling is jealousy and yes, resentment - why do YOU have a job and benefits when I don't?

And lots of people feel this way. Instead of responding reasonably - "Hm, you have something I don't, and I want it - what do I have to do to get it? Perhaps support unions and start one of my own?" we are all responding with our lizard brains - "Me want! Me can't have! Me take yours away!"

*A little bit - mostly I've been puzzling about why Skipper is insane. This morning she was lying in bed making terrible nonverbal whining howls, and I said "Skipper, what do you WANT?!" There was a pause and then she said loudly and firmly "I want my BACKPACK!"


your readers are saying, loudly and firmly, "I want my blog posting!"

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