Ma Ingalls would kill for my freezer.
So - tomatoes. We're overrun. What with the farmshare and the nine tomato plants in various states of health in our yard, it's a continual battle around here. We ate pasta with raw tomato "sauce" twice this week (and if we had to eat it every day forever, that would be okay with me). We ate pasta with a cooked tomato sauce. We ate a Big Tomato Sandwich. Cook made another batch of sauce and froze it. I roasted a billion little paste tomatoes* and froze them. We ate cherry tomatoes for snacks. We put tomatoes on everything that could possibly accommodate them. I don't think I'm going to start canning this year. Any other ideas?
*San Marzano tomatoes from a plant I ended up with sort of accidentally, but which turned out to be the most prolific of all our tomato fleet. Plus, they're really, really cute.
*San Marzano tomatoes from a plant I ended up with sort of accidentally, but which turned out to be the most prolific of all our tomato fleet. Plus, they're really, really cute.