No executive function

Last weekend, we went on a rafting adventure with extended family. The rafting trip was great fun, but I found myself, over and over, standing or sitting around doing absolutely nothing, often while other people swirled around me doing things. This is obviously partly because I'm just lazy, but it's also because I have no brain capacity available. My job is absorbing so much of my executive function right now (PLUS I have to exert the willpower to exercise every night) that I have nothing left at the end of the workday, and by the end of Friday, I'm a zombie. I have no initiative, and no ability to translate cues into action - I can follow specific, direct orders, but that's about it.

Which is why I haven't written any blog posts lately. However, I can reassure you that we are all well (even though one of us is a zombie). Summer has started, and is already shaping up to be the kind of scramble of activity that I suspect is typical of white overeducated upper-middle-class families with two working parents. The girls are wrapping up their first week of day camp, and Duchess is off to sleepaway camp next week. Between the prep for camp each day (snacks, lunch, change of clothes, sunscreen, etc), preparing for/cleaning up after camping trips on weekends, and extracurricular classes (kung fu! piano!), there's no time. But it's pretty fun, when I have a minute to think about it.

Rafting trip redux:

  • Skipper learned to pee in a river.
  • Duchess learned to help paddle a canoe.
  • Cook learned how to row a raft.
  • I ate jellybeans.
  • We all had a lot of fun.


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