
...are a bunch of old mean guys afraid of doing anything other than what they've been doing all their lives. Even the ones who aren't old.

Change is really hard; it's not easy for humans to do. I spend lots of time wrestling with this. Urban planning is all about thinking about change, and then trying to convince people that they can figure out a way to change that works for them. It's the second part that's hardest.

This week I interviewed a guy who specializes in How To Plan For An Aging Society. He said the hardest part of what he does is dealing with the fact that nobody really believes that they personally are going to get old and die. He said that he gets best results when he tells communities that they need to plan for old people (ie have houses with one accessible entrance, have sidewalks, include social gathering places within walking distance of residential areas, etc.) because old people might visit them.

Republicans are like that. If we just keep doing what we are doing, except cut government spending more (except for spending on war, of course), everything will be fine. We're not going to get old and die. Oh, no.


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