where was I?
Quitting My Job: I may prolong my job a little - there's been a bunch of sudden upheaval at work and they're more or less bribing me to stay by offering me a big raise. I haven't agreed to anything yet, though.
Bike Commuting: Eh. I've only commuted (one-way) five times - it's a looooong way.* I did sell my old bike and get a new one, which is great. I think I'll end up biking for errands, mostly, until I get an awesome new job that's less than 5 miles from home. Today I rode over to the grocery store (less than a mile) with one of Cook's panniers, and it was lovely. It's 70 degrees today, and sunny, and just a perfect fall day to be riding down a bike boulevard with a load of groceries, the yellow leaves spinning down all along the street ahead of me.
*And I'm lazy.