I am still here.

There's nothing particularly interesting going on, but life has been busy, and I have been struggling with my work situation. I've been avoiding mentioning it here because it's, you know, public (and I'm not going into details now), but it's been taking a toll on my mental health. Which I also wasn't going to mention because I of course want everyone to think my life is at least closer to peachy keen than it actually is, plus it's definitely a classic first world problem and it's just embarrassing to be so stressed out by a job that pays pretty well, gives me lots of flexibility, and is related to my education and interests.

But then I remembered how I secretly love reading about other people's problems, so I figured I might as well come clean. So there you go. My life is making me crazy right now, which is why I haven't been posting much. I'm tied up in anxious knots, and way too self - absorbed to pay attention to, let alone be nice to, other people, including my poor kids.

However, everything ELSE is fine, for real. The kids, in spite of having a psycho mom, are doing really well. Cook is piling up professional successes (though he is very sad about failing to paint the whole house perfectly). The weather has been eerily gorgeous. Today Skipper (home with me and Duchess because we are sick), actually took her nap in the yard.

Also, I have a marvelous new toy, a small tablet on which I am typing RIGHT NOW. (I'm using a spooky typing prediction app that reads my mind.)

So things aren't so bad. And just like I know it will rain soon, I know I'll work out a way to live with my work issues.


tiffky doofky said…
As someone with ongoing work issues, I commiserate. I hope yours resolve themselves, or become fainter, or something, soon.

That picture of Skipper napping in the yard made me so happy! I think it is the picture of bliss.
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about the sicknesses and the job worries! We're also sick down here. Yuck. It's so awesome that Skipper sleeps outside--I second the other comment, it does look absolutely blissful!
Anonymous said…
Ack! That's not Eric--somehow I've subjugated his account!

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