The girls

The girls have been playing together a lot, and enjoying each other's company. Skipper calls Duchess "Bobo," as in "I want my Bobo!" They both think poop jokes are the pinnacle of humor. They both love long narrative-based games involving multiple characters, frequent clothing changes, and terrible catastrophes overcome by saintly children. Duchess reads to Skipper,* for hours every week. They also fight a lot. Skipper is the sort of kid who pushes back against directions just because she resents directions, and Duchess is the sort of kid who issues many, many directions. Skipper provokes scenes just for the hell of it, and Duchess enjoys scenes, so there are scenes. They have an excellent time.

I know they're going to grow up. I just have a hard time believing it, sometimes.

*They're reading the Ramona books, which Skipper loves. She boggles over how badly Ramona behaves. 


tiffky doofky said…
What a great relationship! I think it could be the subject of its own series of books.
JT said…
I must have Bobo too!

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