Today Duchess, Skipper and I stopped on our way home from Skipper's school, and chatted for a minute with the kids who live down the block. The older kid is in kindergarten at Skipper's school, and we see him, his sister, and their mom pretty frequently on the walk to and from school. He doesn't see Duchess as often, because her school gets out later. (Today she kicked off the day by throwing up, so she didn't go to school.) He said to me, "who's that?" and pointed at Duchess. It turned out he thought she was an adult. Bundled in a bulky sweatshirt and raincoat, she was convincingly large for a five-year-old audience. Looking at her, I realized that she must have recently reached (and probably passed) five feet tall. I don't remember what it's like to experience such rapid physical change that neighbors think you're a stranger, but it must be weird.