It's snowing again, you guys.

It's really weird. It feels both familiar - I spent most of my life between ages 7 and 22 in places where snow is normal - and alien - I've lived in snow-lite or snow-free places for ten years.

Today, Portland was completely shut down, which is what happens in Portland when three inches of snow falls. Cook had the day off, even, so it was a true snow day. And it started snowing again in the afternoon - we're likely to get three MORE inches! SIX INCHES OF SNOW!!!!!

Here is a video in which Duchess learns a critical lesson in snowball fighting strategy.*

Here is a video in which Skipper learns nothing about snowball fighting strategy. Note my hysterical  laughter and complete lack of sympathy for my children's suffering.

* Duchess had not really grasped until now the ramifications of Cook's childhood (in Maine with a slightly older brother), during which he learned how to snowball fight the dirty way.


That first video is CLASSIC!

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