The Year In Highlights

I started a job, was thrilled to be working, became somewhat less thrilled.
Dutch transitioned into three different daycare classes, with varying degrees of success.
Cook and I started school, with varying degrees of success.
Dutch learned to count to 11, recognize most of the letters in the alphabet, and accurately identify different kinds of household grime ("Mama, look at the dust bunnies! And a sticker bunny!).
Dutch achieved full potty-trainedness, just barely. After six months of daytime-only diaperlessness, she finally celebrated her "Poopaversary" last week - Cook promised her a Poop Party if she could poop in the toilet for a week, and that was apparently the incentive she needed. I warned him that he has to prepare the theme food for this party, which has yet to take place.
Dutch learned about the wonder of glitter and other art supplies (tissue paper!) that we don't carry here in Luddite Home.
My Christmas cactus flowered at the right time for the THIRD year in a row.
We made some friends, slowly.
We got to know a LOT about Portland, including the bus routes to all the thrift stores in town.
Dutch grew out of her carseat and several wardrobes.
My grandfather died. This makes me feel dizzy.
My two youngest cousins, whom I SWEAR are just barely pottytrained themselves, variously started college and began applying for college. This makes me feel dizzy.
Dutch broke her first bone and got her first professional haircut.
I learned how to embroider, very badly.

I'm omitting all kinds of things, I'm sure. I learned a lot about myself, Dutch learned a lot about everything, and Cook learned an alarmingly large amount about maps. We had a lot of lovely guests, we did a little minor traveling, we survived the Great Portland Blizzard of 2007 (a city-paralyzing 2.5 inches, about which I'm still bitter), and we built a lot of character. It was not the easiest year we've had as a family, but it wasn't the hardest! And 2008 is going to be terrific. I've got my fingers crossed that Portland has invested in another snowplough. And at least we'll get a new president.


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