Self-Pity - the cure!

1) Three old issues of People magazine, read at the library. (Many important details about the lives of Angelina Jolie and Owen Wilson were revealed.)

2) One cardamom shortbread biscuit, bought at the bakery, and brought home to be consumed with #3.

3) Large cup of chamomile tea with honey and lime (no lemons were available - you do what you can)

4) Liberal dose of LOLCats. Seriously. Cook hates them, but they make me laugh SO HARD. Soon I think I'm going to have to get a mug with pictures of kittens on it.

5) Some sort of medication that claims to address congestion along with about ten other things. Actually, it hasn't really kicked in yet, but I have high hopes. If the label claims are any sort of guarantee, in an hour or two I should be able to fly while solving advanced mathematical equations.


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