How I miss you, Thrift Town.

This afternoon, Cook took Dutch to the pool, and I had Time Off. I went to Goodwill and spent FIFTY DOLLARS on work clothes. It has taken me decades, but I finally have a work wardrobe that is not composed entirely of corduroy jeans and solid-color t-shirts.* Maybe Dutch's fashion philosophy is rubbing off on me, though I chose not to buy anything sparkly.

Then I went to the grocery store. Then I decided to walk home the (very) long way, along the trail through the wildlife refuge. I was wearing flip-flops and carrying a heavy backpack full of salsa, avocados and all my spiffy new clothes, which cut into my walking pleasure a bit, and then I got a little lost and ended up walking quite a ways on the bike corridor, which is a fantastic urban amenity but completely lacking in shade and somewhat overfull of lycra-clad bikers moving at very high speed. So it was all a little more extreme than I had planned for my Time Off. However, once I got onto my peaceful, shady trail, I had a lovely walk, in spite of my sore feet. I saw and heard all sorts of birds, and I encountered a garter snake and a dead tiny rodent** of some kind.

Now Cook has gone off to play frisbee, and I am home in our reasonably clean and not-hideously-hot apartment, and Dutch is frolicking in the courtyard with those blessed downstairs kids, and things are looking pretty good... okay, a little boring, but that's good too.

*Which is not to say that I am hauling down my Frump Flag; far from it! I made sure to buy one horizontally-striped shirt to maintain my reputation.
** Oh you owners of outdoor-cats! Please please please bell your beloved beasties if you will not keep them indoors!


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