This is definitely going to increase my site traffic.

Yesterday Dutch and I had The Conversation About Sex. You know, The Conversation. This is how we led up to it. Dutch didn't want to eat her soup. I said she had to eat soup before she could have bread and cheese. She asked me indignantly how I would feel if SHE made ME eat my soup before my bread and cheese. I told her that being an adult means making yourself eat the soup. I mentioned other things, like dental appointments, that I don't like but know I have to do. She said "I know another hard thing! Giving birth!" and I said yes, but that's a little different, and when you choose to get pregnant, giving birth is the only way the baby's coming out. She said, after a minute of thought "You don't want to have any more babies, do you?" and I said no, I will not have any more babies. She said, after several minutes of thought, "You mean you can CHOOSE not to have a baby?" and I said yes. And then she said "How do babies happen?" and I thought "Nooooooo!!!! I'm not ready!" and I got all flushed and shaky.

And then I explained.* I tried not to provide too much or too little information. Fortunately, I escaped having to explain HOW one goes about preventing pregnancy, and we completely left out the notion that people do actually like to have sex even when they don't want babies. We can get to all that later. However, it's also clear that she didn't get all the details nailed down, as she went straight upstairs and told Cook that "men put their penises in women's uteruses!"

Anyway. Later that afternoon, on the way to the library, we walked past a meth house that had been busted and is now closed for decontamination, with big yellow "DANGER" signs posted on the door. So Dutch and I talked about meth.** I wonder what we'll talk about next weekend - domestic program spending freezes?

*Egg, sperm, baby, choice
** Drugs, dangerous, hurtful, choice


Unknown said…
So I don't know you from Adam, but your blog cracks me up. I love reading it. Good luck to you!
tiffky doofky said…
Ditto for those of us who do know you! You are a success as a writer, mother, and sex-ed teacher. I hope you'll explain domestic spending freezes to me when next we meet. ("Now describe it to me like I'm a 4-year-old...")

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