Breakfast, captured in real time.

Skipper has taken to waking up at 5 AM. Yesterday it was my turn to get up with her. I was so addled from lack of sleep that I decided she was just so adorable, seriously addressing her breakfast and carefully deploying her spoon (okay, occasionally) and her handled cup, that I had to film her. Here, for your viewing enjoyment,* are about 15 minutes of breakfast.

*When you start watching, you may think "oh, that's kind of cute. I look forward to the part that's interesting!" And then you'll realize that there is no part like that. It's just Skipper eating her breakfast. It's okay not to watch.


az said…
Were you aware that Madison is rated as the #1 city to raise children in? You see, Skipper could come have breakfast with me at 5 am : )

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