Oh, I saw it.

Venus transitted for me all evening long, baby. It was both overwhelming (somehow seeing a smaller thing cross the sun made me vividly aware of the fact that we're all floating around in space) and underwhelming (that was a pretty small dot - poor Cook couldn't make it out at all, with his crappy eyesight). But it was really cool. And it was fun to share - I handed out glasses to everybody who wanted one, and I shared mine with some ne'er-do-wells hanging around downtown Gresham who saw me gaping at the sky with my awesome solar shades.

In other news, Antarctic Uncle is visiting. Today, his first day living in the Grotto, he organized the basement* and built shelves to store everything neatly. And he played with the kids for hours.* He's setting the bar high; we have no idea what he'll do tomorrow.

*Not a small job.
**They think he's The Best Thing Ever. Cook and I have been reduced to the role of lame substitutes for situations when the Uncle is not available.


tiffky doofky said…
Lucky you! I'm glad you got to experience both aspects of the transit. Can Antarctic Uncle come to Boston and organize my storage closet?

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