Duchess's idea of a perfect birthday celebration:
Day One: Do "All About Me" presentation to whole class. (This would have been better if classmates paid better attention, but that's okay.)
Day Two: Actual birthday - receive several excellent presents, eat apple crisp for breakfast. Go to school, do Running Club, have mom join you for lunch. Attend kung fu after school, enjoy hilarious jokes with best kung fu friend. Eat cheeseburger, fries, and a giant soda at a fairly-fast food joint with family.
Day Three: Birthday "party" - go to science museum with a friend, attend an IMAX movie about dolphins, spend $10 at the museum store.
Day Four: Lunch at a cafe downtown with another friend before Lego Physics

And then! A whole week off school! It's the best birthday ever.


tiffky doofky said…
Great itinerary! I might borrow the science museum idea for my next birthday.
AZ said…
What a great birthday!

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