I'm sure she'll enjoy chuckling over photos of this haircut in twenty years.

Skipper's hair has been driving me nuts for months. Her hair somehow is all oriented forward, so it wants to hang in her face, a tendency that she embraces for hiding purposes. I watched her at the mini-show her class did on the last day of school before break, and she turned her head slightly to the side so she could hide behind the screen of hair. It looked like a move she had practiced. 

For days now, I've been showing her pictures of girls and women with short haircuts, and yesterday I finally convinced her to let me chop it off. I bribed her with television during the chopping, and ice cream after. She's not terribly thrilled about the results, but she's been swayed by Duchess's proclamations of approval.* We may have trouble when she goes back to school and every single kid in her class tells her she looks like a boy, but I'm prepared. In the meantime, I'm delighted to be able to see her face, if not exactly delighted with my hair-cutting abilities. And while the haircut is pretty terrible,** there's something about it that nicely fits her personality. Skipper is a fairly puckish character; to me, long shiny princess hair isn't ever going to look quite right on her. I may have to take her to an actual hair-cutting expert to tidy it up, though.

It's peanut butter. I swear.

*Duchess, I'm pretty sure, is mostly just pleased that Skipper is out of the running to have longer hair than her - Skipper's hair is straighter than hers, and doesn't get hideously tangled at the drop of a hat, so Duchess was getting worried that Skipper would end up with the long, silky, straight hair that Duchess wishes she had.
** Putting the kibosh on my great business plan.


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