Baby, baby!

Congratulations CM! (Also Emergency Man and BookYanker!) She's lovely!
Seems like there are lots of people in my life having babies these days, both first and second children. Trapeze Girl is expecting a girl this summer, Tiger is getting a sibling in October, and various other friends and acquaintances - two of my classmates, one of my former coworkers, etc.- are expecting as well. I'm very pleased, and also sad that I'll get to see so few of them anytime soon. I'm sure that when we do get to see them, they will all be best friends with Skipper.

One of my college housemates from senior year posted on her Facebook page that four of the six of us who lived together that year are having babies this year (including CM and me). The season of marriages was much more dispersed for my peers than the season of babies... I don't know why. Maybe we're all thinking that a recession/depression is a great time for reproducing.


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