She has arrived.

Skipper took her time getting here. She seemed kind of unfinished when she arrived, with lots of little incomplete-neural-system tics, and then that whole not-breathing thing. She kept her eyes closed, and when she finally started opening them more, she didn't want to look at us. Just furniture, which didn't move or make weird noises at her.

In the last week or so, I think she's finally finished up her mental moving in. She looks at us, she watches Dutch everywhere she goes. She makes weird noises back at us. She smiles. She holds her head up, and really likes to stand up. (This is adorable, as her whole body wobbles, her torso sways this way and that, and she makes a fiercely-concentrating monkey face that makes her look just like our last president.) She's interested in what's going on around her.

As well as being a slow-arriver, she's also a baby who needs down time, it seems. Dutch, in my memory, was happy to go anywhere and do anything, no matter how hectic, as long as she was being held. Skipper is not. The few marathon days on which I've dragged her lately have left her fretful and angry in the evening.

Anyway, now that she's fully arrived, there's less time for blogging. Also, today is Dutch's last day of daycare until the end of September, so I expect that will also cut into my blogging. I am not entirely sure how the summer is going to go, but I am sure that it will include the following: swimming, books, ice cream, tree-climbing, blueberries, tantrums, playgrounds, diapers, sweaty red faces, tomatoes, dirty feet, movies...

*A friend just announced on his blog that his much-newer baby has begun smiling, and I felt a pang of competitive jealousy. (Their baby is more alert than ours! Or nicer or smarter or something! Crazy Jealous Parent Brain is sometimes very loud.)


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