Daddy was a history major.

The scene: Dutch and I are riding a bus, as usual.

Me: Good thinking, Lincoln!*
Dutch: Lincoln, like the Lincoln sisters!
Me: Well, there was a famous president named Lincoln.
Dutch: Yes. Boof killed him.
Me: What?
Dutch: Boof killed him!
Me: Yeeesss... how did you know that?
Dutch: Daddy told me!
Me: Oh.
Dutch: Also, Lincoln made there be no more slaves anymore.
Me: Uh, yes. Sort of.
Dutch: What show was Lincoln going to see when Boof killed him?
Me: The limits of my historical knowledge have been reached.

* Something my parents always said to me. I have no idea where it comes from.


Anonymous said…
pretty sure 'good thinkin lincoln' is a birdism
Jenny said…
Apparently he was watching "An American Cousin." It's amazing what you have to learn to stay one step ahead (or in this case, in step) with your children!

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