Putting pinkeye in perspective, or the cost of failing to floss

Forget pinkeye. Dutch has cavities. Dutch has FOUR cavities. FOUR!!!!!!!!! The dentist says that her diet and brushing are clearly good. The problem is that we don't floss her teeth (because we're lazy, and I never had a cavity until I was in my 20s, so I thought why bother with these trial teeth...), and her teeth are all crowded together like... super-crowded teeth. I'm being noble and not blaming Cook, who had to have several teeth pulled because they were too crowded.

So... $600 for this round of dental treatments, and the expectation of the same again in six months. I wonder how much we saved on floss in the course of failing to prevent these cavities.

Also, she will have to have braces in the future,* and they're going to have to be the serious, long-term, massively expensive, adolescence-ruining kind of braces.

*because SOMEBODY gave her those crowded teeth genes!


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