
Today we had the kind of afternoon and evening that makes me marvel over why I ever wish I was somewhere else.

Cook and I went to Dutch's daycare this afternoon for a parent-teacher "dialogue" that we were slightly dreading. Dutch has been pretty whiny and melodramatic lately, which we entirely understand - not only is she expecting a sibling, but I've been crazy busy and she's been pushing herself toward independence quite a bit, all of which would make any 4-year-old a little volatile, even 4-year-olds not already inclined toward the silent-movie-acting approach to life. So we had this dialogue... and the teacher twice used the word "easy-going" to describe Dutch. Easy-going. I often forget that kids are so much more evil with their families than with the rest of the world, which is weird, because I am fully aware of how much more evil I am with MY family... But really. Compliant, yes. Curious, yes. Imaginative, yes. Expressive, yes. There are lots of fabulous things about Dutch. But... EASY-GOING??? No. I'm pretty sure that what she meant was "Easy for us to handle" because Dutch really is a pretty good kid from a teacher's point of view, and always helps clean up. She did allow as how Dutch sometimes has difficulty compromising on what and how to play,* but said that she's improving a lot.

Then the three of us went out for sushi, while I was still feeling happy that Dutch's teachers thinks she's nice to have in the class. Dutch, who used to devour toasted sheets of seaweed as a toddler, hasn't really warmed to sushi the three previous times we've tried introducing her to it, but we've held out hope, since she likes all the components. Tonight she ate an enormous pile of sushi, carefully, deploying an unconventional but effective chopstick technique, and declared a number of times "I LOVE this food!" She finally gave up on the chopsticks, asked for a fork, and promptly scooped a huge forkful of wasabi off the platter (she thought it was avocado). We stopped her just in time, and after we wiped the fork, she immediately stabbed the giant hunk of creamcheese out of her Philly roll** and ate it in one bite. Anyway, she was both pleasantly weird and weirdly pleasant all evening. And then we came home and ate cake. So really - a lovely evening.

Also, it's spring! Flowers are appearing all over the place.

AND! The new light rail extension will be deploying in the fall, and today I saw a train on the new track! It wasn't carrying passengers, and was presumably doing some sort of test run, but I was excited! I LOVE this public transit!

*Last night, Dutch asked Cook to join her for a pretend picnic in the livingroom. He eventually came and sat down, and she told him he was in the wrong spot. He told her he was comfortable. She told him he had to move over to the correct spot. He suggested they work out a compromise. She said no, calmly packed up her picnic, went into her room, and looked at books for 45 minutes.
** Bleagh!


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