Five days down...lots more to go.

This morning we went to a swim lesson, then spent two hours at the playground (including a picnic lunch), then went to the library for 45 minutes of reading children's books. I spent most of that time nursing and or standing up in order to meet Skipper's various needs. An hour after we got home, Dutch said "I'm BORED. Why can't we DO something?!" It's really hard to entertain a preschooler without another preschooler.

Also, Dutch threw a tantrum over her swimsuit options this morning, and it was so awful that I'm only now recovering. This blog has now officially become an incredibly boring record of my Life as A Full-Time Mommy.

Anyway, enough whining. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a video of Dutch, in her newly-purchased "bride dress," performing a spectacularly tone-deaf rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner, with Skipper in the foreground providing commentary.


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