
I think I may have been just a wee bit negative in my last post. Just a little. So I want to say that even though Dutch frequently behaves horribly, she also frequently is hilariously funny, delightfully loving, and surprisingly interesting. Apparently, these things come in a package. Actually, if only she would spontaneously stop with the potty talk,* I'd say she's pretty awesome.

Also, Skipper, while not the cheerful, calm, peacefully-sleeping baby of my dreams, is starting to be a bit of a person. She's still not truly smiling, perhaps because she thinks potty talk is not amusing, but she occasionally busts out a sort of proto-smile that even looks a little cynical to me, like maybe she's laughing AT me and not with me. Being cynical myself, I find that pretty charming. And she is still an easier baby than her predecessor, more willing to sit around and watch things happening, and more prone to staying asleep once convinced to go there. I am very grateful for the nighttime sleeping; we're still massively sleep-deprived, and I'm sure things will deteriorate, but she's been pretty easy at night during this crucial period when I'm in school. Anyway, she's been working hard - she's gained 1.5 inches and 3 pounds since birth. This is not to be sneered at; increasing your weight by 40% in six weeks (five, actually, since she didn't get back up to her birthweight until a week later) is a spectacular achievement. We really don't recognize very often how much WORK babies have to do, what with all the growing and learning and pooping. She also now spends a lot of time staring at our faces, looking confused. It's not easy.

Also, this week I have re-discovered (again) my fondness for Terry Pratchett. He's probably where I get my footnoting habits from.

And BSG is almost done!


* We decided to not pick this particular battle. She's not allowed to talk potty at daycare, except in the bathroom, and she is just bursting (so to speak) with the subversive joy of fecal chat, so it has to come out (so to speak) somewhere. We don't laugh at it, and we've made it clear that we're not interested in it, but we let her talk about poop and pee in an endless tedious loop. She makes up songs... hopefully it'll be over soon.


tiffky doofky said…
I am very impressed by your ability NOT to laugh at Dutch's potty talk. I don't think I could make it...
tiffky doofky said…
Also, the Word Verification for my last comment was "uncops". I would really like to see a TV show about uncops.

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