Dutch has hidden her glasses several times. She takes them off at every opportunity. When her friends came over for her birthday party today, one of them said "You look weird with glasses on. You look like a doctor." and of course Dutch immediately took her glasses off.

The problem is that she can see beautifully with ONE eye, which has basically taken over all the vision responsibilities, so the glasses don't functionally improve her vision - they kind of boggle her poor little brain, which was happily chugging along with input from one eye. Thus she has no reason to wear the glasses; not only do they not make it easier for her to see, they actually make it harder for her to see during this transition period.

So - we have to come up with other incentives. Any ideas?


az said…
I had the same issue when I was little - my one eye did everything and was fine doing so. I was outfitted with a lovely patch which I hated wearing. My point being my parents set up "incentives" for me to wear the patch. So I had to wear the patch x hours a day (and x increased each week I think). If I did that then I got some reward. We had a chart in the fridge. Could you do another chart (like you had before for Dutch getting ready in the mornings)? And then each day/week that the glasses were worn enough she would get something she really wants - I think you used renting movies from Blockbuster before - fancy clothes, or sparkly accessories, or stickers, etc. might work...

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