Because I don't use Facebook, I put these things here.

Skipper, sitting alone in the dining room, eating a bowl of hummus* with a spoon,** looked over at me and said "Mom, I'm yumming my hummus."

Also, in desultory conversation with the counter staffperson today at the neighborhood bakery, I mentioned that Skipper had just asked me what we were going to do today, and the counter staff person (who sees me and one or both kids every few weeks or so) did a double take. "Wait, SHE said that?" she said, pointing at Skipper, who was mashing her pastry sample into her maw, "I didn't know she could talk!" I shrugged, and Skipper gave her the patented Skipper Smirk, which probably only convinced her that I'm deluded and the kid really can't talk at all.

But, oh, she can.

*I've been making a lot of hummus lately, having finally found a recipe that gets me somewhere close to what I want hummus to be. Why didn't somebody tip me off to Melissa Clark years ago?
**Carrots are for losers.


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