Like the womb, except with playdough.

It's the end of Dutch's first week fulltime at her daycare, and we can confidently say that the change is a raving success. She loves it, and we looooooove our free time. After all my terrible daycare angst of the fall, it feels so wonderful to stroll out the daycare door knowing that the kid will have a terrific day. There will be books, music, playing outside, walking to cool places like construction sites, doing crafty activities, playing with friends. There will be space and permission to hide under the loft if you need to be alone, and there will ALWAYS be an adult with time to cuddle or talk or help. Every day we know that she will have a good day (even the hard days are good days).

Now, because I'm wired that way, I've moved on to taking this for granted and wishing that she could stay in this thrilling but safe place forever.


Anonymous said…
Gosh, any chance I can sign up for that day care? Not as a parent, but as a kid?


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