More about mornings

We wake up at 6:15. Yet, somehow, we don't get out the door until 8. Many people, unencumbered by children, get out the door within 20 minutes of waking up. Many people encumbered by children get out the door within an hour of waking up. For us, though, an hour and 45 minutes is pretty much the minimum necessary time. The first problem is that Cook and I are lazy morning people, and we like to dawdle and read and drink coffee in the mornings. The second problem is that Dutch HATES leaving home. She loves her daycare (and in the afternoons she hates leaving daycare, too), but she loves being home so much, and dislikes transitions, and that overwhelms her ability to remember that she loves daycare. So we have to pry/cajole/threaten/trick/bribe/drag her out the door every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. This takes a substantial amount of time (that Cook and I would of course prefer to spend leisurely sipping our coffee, if not sleeping or getting to work early), and we cannot find a way to do it that doesn't involve major effort. Maybe if we got up much earlier and carried her to daycare while she was still asleep...


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