
I'm alone! At home! The sun is shining! (I capitalized "sun" when I first typed this, which gives you an idea of how it feels to have the sun shine in February in Portland. No doubt I'm sliding down the slippery slope to heliolatry.)

Dutch and Cook went on a marathon grocery-library adventure (I took Dutch on last weekend's iteration of that adventure, and we were gone for nearly three hours, including a 30-minute wait for one of the buses - the life of the carless parent is not an easy one), so I have the place to myself. I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but instead I'm blogging and obsessively adjusting the placement of all our wet laundry to maximize the surface area exposed to the sunshine. I've also been moving all our houseplants around so they can dry out their poor mildewed pots. (This apartment is desperately damp. My hair hasn't been so curly in years.)

Hm. I guess I should write that paper.


tiffky doofky said…
Congratulations on having your house to yourself AND sun! What a marvelous confluence of auspicious circumstances. (What an utterly pompous sentence that is.)

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