If we don't answer the phone, we've already left for Chicago.

Dutch just sat, with remarkable patience, through Obama's entire speech. She colored and drew pictures. She declared after the speech that she was going to send Barack Obama her drawing, to help him celebrate his winning. Then she suggested that we should go visit him. I said he was pretty important, and probably didn't have time for visiting with us. She said "NO! We're going to go visit HIM!!" and I said okay, maybe sometime. Then I told her Barack Obama wanted her to take a bath (I'm sure that's true, in an abstract way, what with all this talk about personal responsibility), and it totally worked. Poor kid - she's lived her whole life under the shadow of George "I Can't Be Bothered to Think About Anybody Other Than Myself" Bush.

Anyway, I cried a little. I do love me some rhetoric. And I do love it that we have finally hit this milestone in our slow and painful march for civil rights. And I would so so so love to believe that we are going to elect a president who will fix everything. And hey, health insurance! Early childhood education! An army of teachers!!! I love armies of teachers!! But, um... clean coal technologies? Nuclear power!?* Eep. But Cook is always dolefully reminding me that politics is all about compromise, so I shouldn't always be surprised that I can't have my perfect candidate. So I'm going to commit myself to supporting the campaign of my okay candidate.

And I'm baffled by the notion that Clinton supportors might vote for McCain rather than Obama. I just can't imagine that anybody could go from supporting an okay candidate to a truly awful awful candidate. I'm hoping that's just a Republican invention. Please.

Anyway, folks, go brush off your campaign hat.** I am going to spend the next four years whining if McCain wins, and you know you don't want to have to deal with that, so you'd better get going.

* Sorry, Josh. I'll never be won over on this.
** You know, the straw boater with the stars-and-stripes band.


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