Well, hello!

Are you still reading after all my wacko ranting and sentimental raving lately? Good! If you happen to live in California's 46th Congressional District, I want you to vote for Debbie Cook. All I know about her is that she supports universal single-payer health coverage, and that's practically all I want, too. So vote for her!

My recent tangle with our healthcare non-system (an angry Kaiser employee I know has a favorite tagline that HMOs should not be allowed to call themselves healthcare organizations) has reminded me of something that I knew before but have been ignoring - we have a moral and strategic obligation to dramatically improve the healthcare problem in this country.

I just turned the Democratic Convention off, in a huff ("The Greatest SUBSIDIZED Generation, you mean!!!!" Click.), but I hadn't heard anybody talk about health insurance in the time I was listening. Or childcare. At the moment, those are the things I care about, as I can't seem to get health insurance, and we're facing a looming three-week childcare "vacation" that will require much tacking-together-of-random-childcare options to get us through. Oh yeah, and millions of other people have way worse problems with these issues than I do. That's a good reason, too.


Anonymous said…
Still reading. Still laughing. Still wondering about what's in store for us down the line as far as child-rearing goes (and enjoying the glimpses that you give here). Still looking forward to seeing y'all in September.
Anonymous said…
Still reading. Still laughing. We LOVE your blog.

It is so very true.

Did you listen to Michelle Obama? Her talk lays the groundwork for the world you want!


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