Dubious recommendations, y'all.

That Luther show is cah-RAZY, you guys. I can't decide if I think it's incredibly stupid or totally hilarious.


AZ said…
Keep watching, it grows on you. Then again, I have only seen Season 1. Some other series we have enjoyed are Dexter, In Treatment, Carnivale. Homeland was also pretty good. I am sort of hot and cold with True Blood, but I know others love it. Community is also really good if you haven't seen it. You have to watch several episodes of that because a lot is carried through and you don't necessarily see it all in just 1 or 2 episodes. Currently we are working our way through Lie to Me on Netflix which is pretty entertaining. not great, but engaging enough.

Lest you think we watch too much TV, I assure you it is mostly just background noise while Jen does her homework and while I work from home.
tiffky doofky said…
Luther is both incredibly stupid and totally hilarious! Therein lies its genius. Here's a passage from my favorite review, from the UK Guardian:
"Nothing else on television can match its constant absurdity. No other show can teeter on the brink of outright failure quite as fearlessly. It's too stupid to live, but somehow it's become too incredible to die."
This review really helped me to resolve my love/hate relationship with the show. (Read the rest at http://gu.com/p/2qza6)

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