So. Skipper has started daycare.* I have been offered a part-time job** and will probably take it, though not without queasy feelings.*** Dutch has a loose tooth.**** We're moving in less than 4 weeks.***** School starts in less than two weeks. Cook's job will be finished in probably three weeks.
What's up with you?
* In a very loose sense - she spent 45 minutes there without a parent today, and we'll probably try for 2 hours on Monday.
** I haven't been keeping this a secret. I applied two days ago, interviewed yesterday, and interviewed again today.
***I'll probably elaborate on all this later, but it involves very low pay and a VERY long commute.
**** Dentist Google says almost-five is within the realm of normal for natural tooth loss. Which is good, because the first tooth she lost (at age 2, in a playground mishap) was seriously traumatic for me. Normal is nice.