I haven't had much oomph lately for doing anything so demanding as editing videos or actually writing anything even remotely interesting,* but here, for your boringicity, are some recent videos. There's nothing like modern technology to expose how deeply boring you are.*
This is Skipper meeting a baby toy my mom gave to Dutch before she was born. A friend dubbed it "the mystical rainbow horse," a name that has stuck tenaciously. Dutch still is very fond of it, and only very grudgingly agreed to loan it to Skipper temporarily.
This is Dutch and Skipper at the pool, waiting for swim lessons.
This is Skipper and the Basil-Cam.
In un-related news, this week I saw a teenager on the sidewalk riding a skateboard while texting, listening to an mp3 player, and holding a cup of coffee. I think I'm at least a hundred years old.
* I am very very busy washing the dishes and scouring the internets for cheap baby-entertainment systems, while ignoring my children.
**Not YOU, of course. I mean us. My family, I mean. We're boring. Not you.