And waves of Dutch

This week, Dutch spontaneously used the words "gender" and "successful" in conversation.* She also announced that she is bored at school because she already knows everything. We're not sure if she's saying that because she's overheard** us expressing our dismay with her academic situation, or because it's actually true.

Also, she made her first request for Silly Bandz. This created an excellent opportunity to talk about fads, and she listened very carefully, said thoughtful things that indicated she understood exactly what I was trying to say,*** and about 14 hours later, she bought herself a pack of Silly Bandz.

*As in "I guess it's just a gender thing," said with a world-weary sigh.
**Dutch is a champion eavesdropper.
***Fads are usually harmless, but you should think carefully if you want to spend your time and money on them.


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