My Lucky Day

I very much enjoyed both The Poisoner's Handbook and At Home. I did have an awkward moment while I was waiting at a bus stop in a seedy part of town. A scruffy-looking guy sitting in the shelter said loudly "Ya planning to POISON somebody?!" to me, and I ignored him with my impassive, don't-fuck-with-me,-you-drunk-homeless-guy,-because-I-am-STREETWISE!!! expression* and there was a pause, and he said helpfully "because I saw your book..." and I looked at the book tucked under my arm and I said "Ohhh! I'm sorry! I thought you were crazy!" and he said "Yeah, there are a lot of crazy people around here!" and we shared a nice laugh. Ha ha ha!

*Strangely enough, this expression almost never works for me. I can't imagine why.


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