Calculated to annoy
Dutch dug out two calculators we had in the back of a desk drawer. They date back to maybe 1992, when Cook and I did some math.* She and Skipper like to play with them - Dutch does very simple math and complains about the calculator's errors.** Skipper pretends it's a phone. This is how she thinks people talk on cellphones: she picks up the calculator, pushes some buttons, holds it to her ear, and yells "HeWOAH!!!!! HEEEEWWWWWOOOAW!!!!!" and then she pauses and says "TAWKING!!!!!"
Dutch and I entertained ourselves (while Cook put Skipper to sleep) imitating her.
*I think I did math. The state of my brain suggests that I might just be imagining that.
**"Mom! It says that 8 minus 8 is zero! That's wrong! 8 minus 8 is 8!"