Birthday girl

I forgot to mention that Skipper turned one. She's ONE! She's launched on her second year of life. I went through a few phases of feelings about this milestone. I briefly thought about the fourth day of her life, when we thought she wasn't going to make it to day five, let alone year two. I thought about how kids make you see the passage of time so clearly - I've scarcely changed at all over the last year, but Dutch and Skipper have changed drastically. But the real excitement around Skipper's birthday came from her daycare, because she was the last baby in the classroom to turn one. Now that she's hit that milestone, they were officially able to shift from every-hour diaper changes for all the babies to every-two-hour changes for all the babies. The teachers were VERY excited about this birthday.


s* said…
Wow. Diaper changes are regulated by age? I mean, I understand that the original motives behind some of these regs are good, useful motives, but geez. Sometimes they're crazy.
Happy birthday Skipper! Welcome to peeing less frequently.

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